I keep track here of all the resources (mostly web) that I find exceptional and could interest anyone.
- colormind.io: A palette generator (color scheme) based on deep learning
- lospec: a nice database of palettes for pixel-art
Tutorials / Online books
- Roguelike tutorial in Python : a great way to learn python, game development and the mechanisms of roguelikes at the same time.
- Roguelike tutorial in Rust : same but in Rust, and also a great way to learn about ECS, which will change you life.
- A beginner’s guide to writing documentation : everything is in the title.
- The book of shaders: a gentle step-by-step guide through the abstract and complex universe of Fragment Shaders.
- My personal collection of assets on itch.io: I collect here all the tilesets/sfx/icons/fonts/… that are free to use and of incredible quality.
- OpenGameArt: a big collection of open 2D/3D/Music/Sound art.
General knowledge
- Category theory for programmers : an online book about category theory, haskell and functional programming. It is a great read for both people interested in mathematics and informatics. There is a youtube version, pdf and web version.
- Wikipedia : really, no one goes there enough.
- Complex Analysis : A visual and interactive introduction to complex analysis.
- If the moon where only 1 pixel : an accurate scaled version of our solar system
This will be a list of software that I really like and help me on a daily basis, check it out ! Most will be Linux things, be don’t be afraid of Linux, he just wants to be your friend ! I encourage you to install Linux Mint, if you have never used any GNU/Linux operating system. You can install it alongside windows of iOS or even on a USB key ! Contact me if you need help ;)
With no order :
- i3-wm : a tiling window manager that take some time to get used to, but will transform the way you use your computer. Caution : once you use it, you wont be able to use any non-tiling window manager. (tiling window manager : it places your windows automatically to take the maximum space).
- Firefox : web browser that is fast, secure, synchronised and cares about you and not your data.
- Clion, Pycharm : Code editor by jetbrains, very efficient IDEs for any language.
- Vim: efficient and versatile file editor. See VimAwesome for best plugins.
- Telegram : chat service that is secure, free software, and with the most features.
- ranger : the best file manager ever, and it runs inside your terminal !
- A collection of easing functions: by Inigo Quilez, a shader genius.